
ESPACE GOLD CHANGE is a trademark registered with the INPI under the national number 12 3 919 437 of the TRADING EL group, a French company with capital of €38,526, headquartered at 20, Rue de la Villette - Immeuble le Bonnel - 69003 LYON, registered with the LYON trade registry under SIREN number 531970366.
ESPACE GOLD CHANGE is authorised to carry out foreign exchange activities by the ACP (an internal body of the Banque de France).

Precious metals guarantee

In accordance with current legislation (article 534 of the General Tax Code - CGI) our company is registered with the Lyon Guarantee Office under numbers 12/264 and 12/265.

Police book

In accordance with current legislation (article 537 of the General Tax Code and 56J sexdecies of Annex IV of the same code), we record all purchases, sales, receipts and deliveries of worked or unworked gold, silver or platinum in a register known as the "Police Book". This register includes the identity of the parties as well as their address, which is why we ask you for a copy of your identity card and proof of address. This register must be presented to any public authority.


ESPACE GOLD CHANGE does not collect any personally identifiable information from minors. If you are under 18, please do not provide any personal data and do not request a secure envelope.

Sharing information

ESPACE GOLD CHANGE does not sell, rent or disclose your name, address or any other personal information to any other company. In addition, ESPACE GOLD CHANGE has entered into agreements with carefully selected third parties for the hosting and maintenance of its website. We do not disclose your personal information to third parties, except in response to a court order. 

Monetary and Financial Code - Article L112-6

Download PDF : code_mm.pdf


Appraising your valuables

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